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Basic usages of ChatSession

ChatSession is a higher-level abstraction than the executors. In the context of a chat application like ChatGPT, a "chat session" refers to an interactive conversation or exchange of messages between the user and the chatbot. It represents a continuous flow of communication where the user enters input or asks questions, and the chatbot responds accordingly. A chat session typically starts when the user initiates a conversation with the chatbot and continues until the interaction comes to a natural end or is explicitly terminated by either the user or the system. During a chat session, the chatbot maintains the context of the conversation, remembers previous messages, and generates appropriate responses based on the user's inputs and the ongoing dialogue.

Initialize a session

Currently, the only parameter that is accepted is an ILLamaExecutor, because this is the only parameter that we're sure to exist in all the future versions. Since it's the high-level abstraction, we're conservative to the API designs. In the future, there may be more kinds of constructors added.

InteractiveExecutor ex = new(new LLamaModel(new ModelParams(modelPath)));
ChatSession session = new ChatSession(ex);

Chat with the bot

There'll be two kinds of input accepted by the Chat API, which are ChatHistory and String. The API with string is quite similar to that of the executors. Meanwhile, the API with ChatHistory is aimed to provide more flexible usages. For example, you have had a chat with the bot in session A before you open the session B. Now session B has no memory for what you said before. Therefore, you can feed the history of A to B.

string prompt = "What is C#?";

foreach (var text in session.Chat(prompt, new InferenceParams() { Temperature = 0.6f, AntiPrompts = new List<string> { "User:" } })) // the inference params should be changed depending on your statement

Get the history

Currently History is a property of ChatSession.

foreach(var rec in session.History.Messages)
    Console.WriteLine($"{rec.AuthorRole}: {rec.Content}");